Monday 21 March 2016

Ten Tips For Having A Perfect Day

I've told countless people countless times, and probably written about it sometimes, that happiness is a choice and not just a feeling that can pop anytime.
We live in a time where everything from the economy of the nation to the security at the next street is not just bad but terrifying. There's boko haram at the north, militancy in the south, Biafra Struggle in the east and nothing's going on in the west. These are trying times, and it is important that in the midst of all these trials we find time to be happy-- be positive. Not just us alone, but to be able to put a smile on someone's face. And hey, if you're a little confused of what I'm blabbing about, just ask the next "true Christian" around you why he or she is always happy or barely sad. I think you'll get a good answer. For now allow me to stick to literature and psychology. The following are ten tips that would give you a "wow" day. Enjoy.

1.  Listen To Or Read Something That Inspires You.

 Rather than distract yourself with news or "entertainment" that only adds to your stress, fill your quiet moments with music, books, and TED-like talks that are uplifting and help you aspire to be your best and achieve your goals.

2. Make Your Body Stronger And More Resilient.
 When it comes to physical condition, there's no such thing as staying in the same place. At the end of the day, you've either gone downhill or uphill. Take time each day to exercise and eat well-- at list enough so you're headed in the right direction!

3. Review And Hone Your Plans For The Future.
You'll make better decisions and be more satisfied with your results if you know that most of what you're doing fits into your long-term plans and goals. That's only possible if you keep those plans and goals at the fore front.

4. Do At Least One Thing That's Worthwhile.

 Hopefully your day-to-day work is a worthwhile endeavour, but if you're stuck in a holding pattern of busywork (like students, especially those of us in tertiary institutions), make the extra effort to find something to do that makes a difference and improves the world.

5. Help Somebody Less Fortunate.
 Self-centred people are always unhappy because they're shovelling all their energy into the bottomless pit of their egos. The best and easiest way to get over yourself is to do something for somebody who needs your help. Do it anonymously, if possible.

6. Spend 20 Seconds Appreciating What You Have.
 If you're reading this blog post, you're probably striving to achieve an even higher level of success. However, if you don't stop and feel grateful, i guarantee that you won't enjoy yourself when you get wherever you're headed.

7. Record At Least One Good Memory.
  At the end of the day, take out your journal, smartphone, or tablet and write down at least one positive memory about that day. In future months and years, you can glance through these memories to give yourself a boost and remind you why you work so hard.

8. Smile.
Each time you smile you activate neural messaging that affects your health and happiness. The fact is that smile is contagious and each time you do smile, you create a field of positive energy around you, and anyone who comes around you. Psychologist and spiritual leaders in almost any religion all over the world recommends it as a daily and conscious ritual. For more on smile check

9. Taking A Little Time Of
 Sometimes it doesn't hurt to just sit in the cool of the evening and watch the sun set, or watch the stars at night. Taking a little time off to breathe, relax, and do or think nothing is something everyone should do every day, at least for five minutes. 

10. Blowing Of Steam.
 As you probably have guessed if you know me, this is my favourite and i recommend it especially for students and those with 'little' anger issues. Blowing of steam is just something every one of us as to do from time to time. I don't care how you do it, just as long as you don't hurt yourself and anyone else its fine by me.

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Prof Ezyclems.