Monday 11 April 2016

Who I'm I?


“Mummy, mummy, mummy!” The nursery school boy- Junior, called immediately he dropped his bag, arriving home after school.

“Yes darling, what’s the matter?” His sweet mom asked, clearly surprised at how high his spirit was, given his dislike for school.

“Mum, our teacher taught us about Professions today, and how to choose the right one.” Junior said, as he sat on his mother’s lap. A mousy grin on his cheek, clearly he was enjoying his mother’s show of affection.
“Hmm, can you name two or three for me?” Mummy asked him, gently brushing his scattered hair with the stroke of her fingers.

“Of cause I can!” Junior said, excited at the prospect—for he had a vivid recollection of today’s lessons stored in his head. He remembered every single stroke of the teacher’s chalk on the black board, the smell of the graphite pencil as he scribbled along with the other pupils, taking in every single thing the teacher had said.

“Law, Medicine, Engineering, Economics, and etcetera!” said Junior, happy to have remembered them.

“So which of them do you want to become you grow up?” Mother dearest asked Junior.

“I want to read…no, no, no.”

“Hmm, common say it Love. Don’t be shy.”

“I want to be a Lawyer!”

“That’s great Junior! Wow! Look at my boy; he is all grown up now.” Mummy said, tickling Junior to a dozen laughter.

“You know what Junior? You’ve taken the most important step in life now—You have decided who you are and what you want to become.” Mummy continued. Her voice a bit serious now, Junior having calmed from his laughter.

“There’s only one step left.” Mummy said, gazing at Junior’s big blue eyes.
“And what’s that step mum?” Junior asked, curiosity aglow in his eyes.
“Follow the path to you Dream.”

“That’s all- just follow the path to your dreams?” Junior asked quite bewildered. Surely it couldn’t be that easy? He thought in his heart.

“That’s all my little Prince- that’s all. There’ll be challenges along the way, but if you never stray from the path to your goal. One day no matter how long it takes you’ll get there.” Mummy replied.
“Wow, that easy. Thanks mum, I love you.”

“I love you more Junior.” Mother dearest said kissing Junior’s cheek, just before he ran off to play

That was the story of a five year old boy, who began to choose his life’s path at primary two. That story might apply to few people in this world- but not to the majority. It is more than a fact, it is a universal truth that many men till death do not know what their purpose in life is. They are born, they live and they die. Finish. That’s all.

I am burdened by this truth. I am sickened by its reality- saddened by its popularity, most especially amongst the youths.  Let us take just a few lines to ask ourselves a few questions. Shall we?

How many of our children or siblings in school today are really decided on what they want to become? If they are wanted to become a doctor in Jss 2, now in SS 3 are they planning on reading Law? If they fail their Jamb five times or perhaps rewrite their Waec do they decide to opt of school into the military? Or perhaps they’d prefer to go into business and make quick money.

Let us now put down those questions of “I want to become” aside and focus on the eight hundred pound gorilla in the room. Have you ever asked yourself, really paused for a moment and asked yourself or perhaps someone you care about: “What is my purpose on earth? What exactly I’m I born to do? Who I’m I?”
Wow! Those are really, really, big questions. The most important questions one could ever ask himself. There is no one, I repeat there is no one in this world; no great thinker before and during our time that has not pondered upon these questions, and mused over its effect. There are a thousand books out there that talks about realising our purpose on earth and achieving maximum success, but let us take a different look at it. Let us gaze upon this subject from a different angle.

As we travel through this New Year, I want us to be able to achieve this: I want us to be able to beat our chest in knowledge that we know we are, and what we are born to do.

How Do You Define Yourself?
Every child, adult- male or female has a single word, or a few words they believe defines them. There is no doubt in this truth that every single individual has a psycho-definitive-photo of themselves stored somewhere in their cerebrum.

In other for us to tackle the question of who we are, we have to first start with the Most Primal picture of ourselves- that single thing we think or believe that defines us completely. When we begin to grow, at a particular age we begin to have a particular way we see ourselves. For example one might take pride in saying, “I do not tell lies”, meaning that person is highly moral.

From this stage we begin at first unconsciously searching our hearts for some meaning to life and as we face the hot fires of life we begin to use words like: “I am shy”, “I cannot forgive”, “I am lonely”, “No one loves me”, “I know book”, “I would become rich when I grow up” and etcetera, etcetera.

These words we use at that stage of life overtime begins to define us; they begin to shape the way we think and act. The one who says, “I am brilliant” and works towards it begins to excel in his academics. The other who believes he is shy, when called upon to do things in public runs away in fear. We have ultimately with the assistance of time and the persistency of our words become the architect of our nature- driving our future to a particular line.

Over the time we tell ourselves we want to become- Lawyers, Accountants, Engineers, Artists, Politicians, Entrepreneurs and whatever tickles our fancy. Our parents, friends and neighbours also play a crucial role in this image building. Many times Parents insult us, most times in attempt to make us realise our mistakes, but in a long period of time, some of us instead of taking the corrections alone- we take both the corrections and the insults. The insults we take, we add to this image of ourselves- for some of us this insults might serve as a boost motivating us to better ourselves, while for the majority of us it weakens our moral, which will result to a negative portrait.

Our friends at school, our teachers at school; the books we read and the movies we see; a stranger in the street; our friends at home and our elders in the neighbourhood: every single person and thing adds to this image of ourselves.

This image building is a never ending process. It will continue until our bodies are properly dressed beneath the ground.

You see, my point in bringing this image of ourselves into the picture is to make you realise that: You May Be Defined By The Image Of You, You Have Built Overtime, but, Who You Are, Really, Is Different From The Image Of Yourself. In other words- the picture of you is not you.

Let us prove this, shall we?

Perhaps you must have noticed that shy sweet girl in class that hardly speaks to anyone. She is tall-just about the right height for you, with great figure eight, big brown eyes, breath taking voice, brilliant and all together sexy and beautiful at the same time. She’s perfect. Everyone knows she is perfect, you know she is perfect, and from the first time you saw her you’ve been dying to talk to this diva. It then happens that one evening- I shall propose seven o’clock to be the time; it came upon you to amuse yourself on the happenings on a nearby street close to your neighbourhood. You decided today to follow a new path on your way to this classy street, about a few meters before the street you see the Diva- the girl you’d do anything for. At first you did not recognize her: she wore make-up—the kind of type that probably scares you, bumshot nickers, long brazilian hair, and high-heel Gucci shoe- that cost a few tens of thousands. As if that was not enough she was, flirting with three men in brand new SUV. Everything about her was different, you stood there- rooted at the spot unable to look elsewhere, completely dumbfounded. As you watched, one of the men rubbed her ass with his hands and she giggled in response, telling the man in that sexy voice of hers’ that her ass would cost him. The man smiled in response, that smile that says “I have too much of money”. They finish negotiations, she enters his car, and they drive away… You saw her the following morning at school, sited in her normal desk, that shy and innocent face back in place—a complete image of innocence and beauty. You decided to talk to her today, to find out more about her…

That was a fictional presentation of a perfect example of how deceptive image can be sometimes. And I know in reality we’ve witnessed such type of stories play out many times. Friends who we thought we knew, and later we found out they were living dual lives.

Image cannot be trusted, it is not who you are. You are altogether different from how you see yourself and the way people perceive you. THE IMAGE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE INDIVIDUAL.

In toto,
We have seen that many people define themselves and sometimes allow others to define them by what the see- by the image. But, I have tried to establish that the person is in ninety percent of the cases very different from the image he has of himself.  This then begs the question: How do I know who I am?

The Ultimate Formula: Mark 12: 28-31
 A morning with Bill Gates

 Mr Henry Bill Gates the 111 walked into his office at the Headquarters of Microsoft Inc., in a fifty thousand dollar suit. He had his specs pulled up just at the right angle- a little bit below the retina; his small blue eyes alight with vigour. It was around eight o’clock in the morning and business had only just started for the day, as he walked through the first floor of the gigantic skyscraper one could hear the sound of his ten thousand dollar Gucci shoe across the carbon-hardened glass floor of the hall. On his way to the elevator he waved hello to everyone and anyone he saw, today was going to be spectacular! He thought. He’d finally gotten a breakthrough algorithm that would shake off their major competitors, especially Apple Inc. and finally put Microsoft-his company far above others—at the apex of computer software technology…

Anyone who cares to read knows that Bill Gates did not start like that. A few decades ago when he was only fifteen, he had a dream: to revolutionise the way people used computers. And with persistency and time today for the past twenty years Bill Gates has constantly ranked between the first and the third richest man in the world. In the process of achieving his dreams, other things of life were added unto him. So I would pose this question to you: Who Is Bill Gates?

Jesus Christ Lk 2: 49                                                                                                                                Jesus Christ was preaching to priest and scribes- some of the most learned men of his time, at the age of 12! He was confounding great men of knowledge and wisdom and understanding. And when his parent and step parent (Mary and Joseph) found him, he asked them if they did not know that he must be about his father’s business? What does this suggest to you? In the book of Mathew 1:21: “for he shall save his people from their sins”. So I would pose this question to you: who is Jesus Christ?

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
Arguably one of the greatest men throughout history, Mandela was born in July, 1918, at Mveco, South Africa. We all know his story, so I would not bother to linger there, I’ll simply go straight to quote from his book- A Long Walk To Freedom, the last paragraph. I quote: “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps on the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds out that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the distance I have come. But I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom comes responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended.” His book Long Walk To Freedom was published first in the year 1994, about 15years before he died. And we would all agree that he never ceased to walk that part of freedom. So I would pose this question: Who is Nelson Mandela?

It is written in the holy book that in the mouth of two or three witnesses let every words be fulfilled, there are many more examples I would like to give: Martin Luther King, Moses, George Washington, and many more. And for all of them I would have asked the same question: Who are they? For now I would end with these.
What I want you to see from this question is that who you are is connected to Love. You say, how? Well it’s simple. Each and every one of us has that particular thing we do- that dream we secretly have- that hidden aspect of us that brings us celestial joy whenever we feed it: the real you hidden beneath the image. That one thing- for some a couple of things, we do that we love. Professor Abraham Maslow once called it – Self Actualisation. When we do those things- we are perfect, we feel loved and we love back in return, we are the authors, and we are gods. All chains of vanity are loosed- the real you is made manifest. You are truly yourself; you become yourself—not the image of yourself.

So when we say who is Bill Gates? We are merely asking- what is that particular thing by which we can completely define Bill Gates; and the answer is simple: Computer Software Technology. That was his dream- that is still his dream: to continuously better humanity through the use of computers. And today he has achieved it; today his name is synonymous with software technology, like Plato is synonymous with Philosophy. The same thing for Jesus- all over the world, the birth of Jesus Christ, popularly called Christmas signifies the birth of the saviour of the world. To Christians all over the world, Jesus is the way the truth and the life- he alone can save. So as a Christian once somebody asks: who is the saviour of the world? The first name that comes to your mind is Jesus. It does not matter what other religions say of him- like the Muslims consider him to be a prophet. Like I said before: Mathew 1:21- that is Jesus- that is who he is, not what other people consider him to be: He is the saviour of the world. The same thing applies for Nelson Mandela of blessed memories- his name is synonymous with the black struggle: with the fight against racial degradation, segregation, and all forms of oppression. Like he said in his book, if you’ve read it before, “It was this desire for the freedom of my people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect that animated my life…” This holds true for countless other men and women whose names are scribbled down in the pages of history- Wright Brothers, Graham Bell, Abraham Lincoln etcetera, etcetera.

In Summary
There is a burning desire somewhere in your subconscious, there is a dream that secretly exist somewhere in your heart—there is message your soul is sending you. There is a path the ‘you’ is telling you to follow- a voice directing you somehow. That is the key dear reader; that is the only key that can answer the questions: Who I’m I? What Is my purpose on earth? That is the key to self-mastery, to self-fulfilment and self-actualization. It is the only key that would bring you joy and happiness. The key is simple: Love.
So the question you have to ask yourself is: What is that thing I do that makes me feel absolutely me? The question you have to ask yourself dear reader is: I’ve I been listening? The question you have to ask yourself is: I’ve I been following?

You see if I ask you today to define chemistry today you’d perhaps say: “chemistry is the study of the composition, properties, and uses of matter.” You will not tell me, “Chemistry is defined as the chemistry…” You cannot define a thing by that thing, rather you define it by its properties, in this case when you ask yourself: How do I define myself? Who I’m I? You have to answer that question by the most important character of your person—its sole purpose.

The answer to who you are can only be gotten from what you are—that is what you are born to do. And that answer my brother or sister is an answer only you can find. That answer lies beneath the picture, beneath what you merely think you are or what others think you to be. You have to search your soul; you have to find your heart- you have to listen to that voice crying in your mind. You have to find your sole purpose: that is who you are.

Don’t get me wrong, a man can be defined by more than one thing, but there is a particular thing that explicitly defines him. Jesus was the son of God, Mathew 16:16, but that was not his sole purpose- that was not what defined him: he was defined almost entirely by his sacrifice on the cross. Nelson Mandela was a lawyer, that was what he loved doing, but that was not the slightest bit who he was. Bill Gates is a school dropout, a billionaire and a philanthropist but that is not who he is. There are many more countless examples, but this should do.
That is the formula mate- the formula is love.

Don’t Hurry
It is a gradual process, but the earlier you find it the better it would be for you. As it would help you accomplish more, as you would have a much clearer focus. You would spend less of your time running round the mountain of life, and use that time productively.

A new year is just another breaking of the day, but what makes it important is how you decide to spend it.
So once again I want to say: Listen. Listen to the voice, find your purpose. It might take you a day, perhaps a month or a few months, or even years- the important thing is that from this moment you begin to find it. Jesus knew it at the age of twelve; David knew it at the age of fifteen, Joseph at the age of fifteen, Moses at the age of thirty, Bill Gates at fifteen, Mandela at twenty seven. But like I said earlier on: the earlier the better.

As you begin this year I want you to remember this: Persistency is a force nature cannot defy.

Keep flying on eagles’ wings!